Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Neighborhood Transformation

Trash--that 's what I walk on when I step down out of my front door...chip bags, grocery bags, school papers, juice bottles, cigars, drug paraphernalia, gum... Why clean up? No one else cares... But I care. Last month I found out that a few more care when we had a block meeting with Maria Quinones Sanchez who was running for city council. She said, "We can be poor, but we don't have to be dirty." She got my vote.

As we disciple youth and teach them what it means to follow Jesus and transform their lives, we also want to teach them to see hope in the transformation of their neighborhood. Part of that is making it look nicer--even if others don't seem to care. It is setting an example and giving people a new way to look at things. That is why Nes took four teenagers to pick up a load full of compost as you see above. This is our third summer planting a garden in an empty lot across the street from our house. We are rookies at gardening, but we are trying.

Stay tuned...for the garden's status.