Tuesday, November 13, 2007

October 2007
Reaching Out to Youth Through the Ministries of Bethel Temple
Community Spirit

Usually when I hear a siren from a fire truck it causes me anxiety. Selfishly, I am hoping that siren never makes it to my front door. House fires are so common in these neighborhoods and it is terrifying to imagine it happening to me or my neighbors.

But on September 2, a fire truck showed up on our block and I ran to get Justis and Alecia so they could see the firemen at work—not putting out a fire, but cleaning our block!

They started out spraying down an abandoned corner property that had been full of dumped trash (see picture). Several residents of our block bagged the trash that morning and the firemen proceeded to wash it down.

Then, as they usually do, the firemen received a “real” call and had to be on their way before they finished the whole block. Men from our block completed the job.

All this was done to prepare for our Labor Day Block Party. These block parties are pretty common throughout the city, but it had been a long time since our block had a successful one.

Nes initiated the closing of the block a couple of weeks before and knocked door-to-door to encourage people to be involved and contribute food.

The result was amazing, and most of the block participated. There was lots of food, games for kids, a DJ and live music.

We did not aim for this to be a “Christian” event. However, at the end of the day, Nes and another Christian reminded our neighbors of our intention. We initiated the block party because we want them to know that we care about them and our neighborhood, and that Jesus Christ was the source of our love.

Since this event, neighbors are supporting Nes to be the new block captain with our next-door-neighbor as the co-captain. Please pray for our continued involvement in our community—that we would be able to show Christ’s love by working for a better neighborhood to live in.

Alecia Goes to School

Who’s more anxious about your child’s first day of school? The parent or the child? It is hard to say. But it was a feat to try to cover up my anxiety so that it wouldn’t worsen Alecia’s.

Alecia started preschool on September 5th. She is attending a headstart program run by an Hispanic community organization. She is learning both Spanish and English on alternating days. Alecia’s favorite friend is Luis and she also has friends named Jada, Diomani and Atabei.

Also, I have gotten involved in the Parent Committee which is just getting started. Please pray for relationships with other parents and for Alecia’s continued adjustment.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Meet You at the Pole

Praise God for bold teenagers! Jonelli was recently sitting at our kitchen table sharing her excitement about the “meet you at the pole” prayer for kids at her high school. “It was decent!” she said, describing how she shared bible passages and told other kids to come talk to her if they want to know more about being a Christian. Jonelli told us how they started with just a few, and soon a crowd gathered to pray together!

Pictured are Nes (on his birthday) with Alecia and Justis. Bryant is sharing his love for Nes, and Jonelli is next to Alecia.