Monday, October 05, 2009


From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:16)

Common Grace assists ministries in their work to cooperate with each other and reach the urban community. In order for each part of the body to be effective, all parts need to work together, be equipped and value each other’s gifts.

In order to accomplish this, Common Grace connects, supports and mobilizes church and community leaders as they seek to spread the gospel and address the needs of their communities.

Here are a few activities being carried out by Common Grace:

-Esperanza USA has contracted CG to assist 10 nonprofits in their Hispanic Capacity Program. CG will use their demographics program to help each nonprofit understand their community better.

-CG is leading a missional discussion with seven local ministry leaders who are learning how to reach the least, last and lost and how to be more relevant in their communities.

-Nes continues to work with other youth ministry leaders to facilitate ONE youth rallies leading up to the fall retreat at Camp Andrews in October.

-Nes is presenting CG’s work to ministries and preaching in various churches when invited.

-Through CG, Nes will assist the Timoteo Flag Football League in its restructuring throughout the next year.

-Reload youth leader training through Urban Youth Workers Institute will be facilitated in 2010, possibly partnering with Eastern University.

-The Free Church of St. John in West Kensington has contracted Nes to assist in youth ministry development.

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